Want to become a high-performance organization?
We at the Readiness Institute are here to help you reach your goals.
We read much today about a company needing to be the “innovation company” or the “disruptive company”. But companies face real peril if they are not in a “state of readiness”– having the capacity and capability horizontally across the business smokestacks of the enterprise or vertically through the corporate hierarchy – to realize the innovation and cope with the disruption.
Companies nowadays require quick decision-making processes, effective communications, and a thorough understanding of cultural differences in order to survive and then to thrive. “High-performing” companies will be those that use operational excellence in a proactive manner, who don’t wait until the next crisis is already knocking at the door. They will need to develop the capability to identify and react to challenges quicker than ever before.
For all these reasons, The Readiness Institute, as an extension of the Operational Excellence Society, provides effective strategies in the form of a set of offerings: certification and learning programs, workshops and various consultation services that is delivered online, off-line, and in person, as well as training aids to prepare businesses for the harsh (and unforeseen) realities of the twenty-first century – and to facilitate a student’s becoming a successful Operational Excellence professional.
Let Us Help You Reach a STATE OF READINESS
We Offer PREMIER training in:
Why Choose the Readiness Institute?
The Readiness Institute prides itself on being the premier training company for all sized companies around the world, with the goal of shortening the gaps in business education and professional development. Our vision? To help an exhaustive number of companies achieve their dreams by achieving a State of Readiness on their way to becoming High-Performance organizations.
We are proud to provide our professional training and business education services to companies all over the world. Consistentlyexpanding globally, we curate the best content for companies that want to improve and reach a State of Readiness – making it all easily accessible
Partnering with some of the world’s best thought leaders, and run by our own set of internationally renowned gurus, The Readiness Institute takes the lead in your journey towards the top of the corporate ladder.
By means of improving your knowledge and skills, The Readiness Institute is here to help your company reach a state of readiness, in order to attain a situational awareness and command of its capabilities – the ability to see and anticipate opportunities and threats. Along with it comes the ability to react in a meaningful and expeditious manner to any such challenges that may present themselves.
As Mike Tyson famously said, ‘Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.’ That is to say, even though you are talented, trained, professional, and on the offensive pursuing your plan, the business that is better prepared to identify and engage an unforeseen challenge more quickly than its competition has a strategic and tactical advantage.
And this is why The Readiness Institute is here to equip you with all the tools you need to READY yourself and your organization for any and all obstacles and challenges you may face.
State of Readiness – The Book

“If you want your company to become a high-performance organization and believe in moving the ball down the field in a deliberate, continual, pragmatic, and measured manner—day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year—then this book will offer some keen insights that will help you on your journey and may even prove invaluable.”
Featured Learning Opportunity
Join our founder Joseph Paris for his enriching Online Masterclass series as based on the bestselling book “State of Readiness”
* As a participant, you will receive a copy of Joseph Paris‘ book “State of Readiness – Operational Excellence as Precursor to becoming a High Performance Organization.”
Be sure to watch this space for updates regarding the next learning opportunity.

A Word From Our Founder….
“In all things, in all initiatives, in all great aspirations, one should: evaluate critically, consider cerebrally, prepare calmly, and act deliberately – always keeping in mind that;
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” – Proverbs 16:18
Yours Truly,
Joseph Paris